From the Beginning of Time…

Man’s curiosity and unquenchable thirst for knowledge equipped his descendants with the tools necessary for our species to climb out of the cold, damp and barren tunnels that littered the Earth’s crust.

Slowly we made our way up the ladder from the bottom rung of the food chain as resourceful species to the top of the proverbial World, where now we bathe upon sun drenched mountain precipices and all Earthly life fears our very presence.

To All Creation that eats, sleeps and breaths upon this merciless planet, our species is now a demigod. For it is by our cruel and heartless hands or by our benevolence that All Other Species either Live or Die. Why should our kind not be viewed as gods? No other species within the known Universe has accomplished the miraculous achievements that has set Mankind apart from All Other Creation. Our advancements in science, art, philosophy and not to be forgotten the towering heights that have been scaled within the field of mathematics. All of this has been accomplished from our need to satiate one deeply rooted desire, the longing for Purpose.